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2010's Van Isle Wave: Pre-Intake
Winter Development Program

2010's Van Isle Wave: Pre-Intake Winter Development Program


We are excited to announce that this development specific program will be hosted and run by our 2010 WAVE Head Coaches.

Girls – Kieren Large

Boys – Chris Merriman

**Please note- All PHO Covid-19 safety measures will be in place.


$145 (+tax) Includes training t-shirt

8 Week Program



January – 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
February – 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th



5:30-7:00pm Girls
6:30-8:00pm Boys


Due to the fluid nature of Covid protocols, restrictions etc, we will update and provide Covid protocvols and details closer to the session dates.

Coaches and players will be the only people allowed to be on the turf/sidelines. 

Specific Entry and Exit doors (if needed) will be provided to each group/field prior to their arrival. 

All training sessions will be hosted at the Island Training Centre.

3299 Kettle Creek Crescent. Click here to get directions.

  • No food on the playing surface
  • Water only
  • Shin guards are mandatory
  • Only clean multis, or turf boots and sneakers are allowed on the turf
  • Absolutely no metal stud cleats
  • No gum